And yet another week has sneaked past me. This happens
frequently out on the mission since tomorrow is my 6-month mark. I feel like I
left on my mission yesterday and now I’m here a third way through my mission.
Last p-day we played volleyball all day so this whole week I have been walking
around a bit sore. Apparently just because you walk for miles a day doesn’t
mean you’re necessarily in shape! This week Sister Olson and I were little
tricksters. We live with two other Sisters and they are always playing
tricks on us so Sister Olson and I decided our trick was to still there
missionary name tags and put them in jello. They woke up in the morning and
were searching everywhere for them, but they were on the counter inside a big
mound of jello =) another trick we played was the elders in our ward bought us
dinner one night because we didn’t have time to go get some then everyday after
that they bugged us and bugged us for their money, so for district meeting we
baked them a beautiful cake and we got there money in all dimes and we stuck it
in the cake and we gave it to them! When they cut open the cake their reactions
were priceless!!
Arzaan our awesome investigator who was
referred to us by a friend is getting baptized this Saturday. We are so excited
for him, but we really can't take any of the credit. The members in the ward
have really been the ones who have helped him gain a testimony of the church.
He comes from no Christian background and now it is amazing what he knows! He
walked around church and was inviting everyone to his baptism. He has even
helped one of his friends that is less active come back to church. I’m so
excited to see him take this step with being closer to his heavenly father.
Caleb who is still planning on getting baptized on the
fifteenth is still doing great as well. He is still struggling with telling his
parents his decision on being baptized. I have seen so many people go through
this while I have been on my mission. Its heart breaking to see and its hard to
relate sometimes because I come from such a supporting family. All I know is
that no matter what your parents have to love you and that even though you have
very tough life decisions to make you have to make them for yourself.
This Sunday was Fast Sunday and Taylor my recent
convert got up and bore her testimony on the power of prayer. She said
that she told her parents this week that she got baptized and that they were
very mad and threatened to come up and take her home again. She said she prayed
a lot and she couldn't help to feel very at peace and she knew that was the Holy
Ghost helping her. I always sit in amazement when recent converts bare there
testimony on the gospel.
Another miracle that happened this week was my first transfer
here we tried to find this less active girl and we drove a long way to her
house to find out that she doesn't even live there anymore. Afterwards we went
to the church and I over heard a conversation between two members that this
girl worked at payless and they had said hello because they knew they hadn't
seen her at church for a very long time. We took this great opportunity to get
new boots ha-ha and to hopefully run into her. We were in luck and invited her
to church she came and she has been coming back ever since. This week at church
she gave me a big hug and that she has decided to serve a mission! I am so
excited for her and her decision to strengthen her testimony in the gospel. I
wish you all a great week!!
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