Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 29 2014

Joyeux Fete!
I hope that everyone was able to have happy holidays! This week was really great and one of the best Christmas’ ever. Most of our lessons were about Jesus Christ this week and there is not a better subject to talk about. They always tell us when in doubt talk about Jesus Christ because it really does bring the best spirit. Some amazing members who were in my last ward have some daughters in the YSA that I am in and they invited us over for Christmas Eve. I love French food... to much ha-ha I had to eat some for me and for my companion because she is allergic to all gluten and lactose. I wasn't complaining until I had to walk it off the next day. For Christmas we got the opportunity to go to my first companions house that lives here. She always told me when we were together that she lived in the woods, but she wasn't kidding. She lives way far in the woods and it felt like a real Christmas in the woods. After Christmas we had some extra time and so we went street contacting for an hour and I have to say it was my favorite part of Christmas. We had some really great contacts that were interested to learn more. One younger guy past us and wasn't willing to stop he checked a subway and the doors were locked so he came walking back. My companion with a big smile on her face says wow you came back to listen to us that so great! He was confused and said but really why in the world are you standing out here in the freezing cold on Christmas. I told him it was because Jesus Christ has done so much for me this is the least I could do for him. I think he was really touched by it and we bore more of our testimonies with him and a prayer. He told us he had never met anyone around his age that believed the same things he did. It was such a great way to end our Christmas I really loved it. 
New years is this week and I Can’t believe this year has gone by all of 2014 I was able to be a servant of my heavenly father and I have loved it so much! I challenge you all to make goals for yourself for this up coming year!

“To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done.” -Richard G. Scott

I love you all tons! Bonne Anee

-Soeur DIck

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